I just got finished with Charles Duhigg's - The Power of Habit. Below are my unedited notes on each chapter.
Read It$100M Offers is one of my best books of the last year, with tons of actionable takeaways. I've summarised the best 8 in this post, with example Grand Slam Offers included.
Read ItTwo simple tricks that you can use to improve the way Users interact with your website, so you can improve your SEO rankings.
Read ItHow I built an AI-powered gift idea tool within 6 days.
Read ItMicro saas is taking off. To help you get started on your journey, I've put together 12 of the most exciting micro saas ideas I've come across in the last 12 months that you can use to start your profitable micro saas business.
Read ItHaving your marketing strategy dialled is one of the best ways to set your startup on a growth curve. This post has 5 marketing strategies that the genius co-founders of Hey used to generate a huge amount of hype for their product launch.
Read ItA marketplace startup is one of the best low-barrier-to-entry businesses you can start as an entrepreneur. It requires little technical expertise! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to start a marketplace startup!
Read ItSometimes finding the right business idea can be difficult. It shouldn't be. This post explores how to generate new business ideas so that you're never short of innovative business ideas you can start today.
Read ItHacking growth is sometimes necessary to get your business off the ground. This guide gives you 20 actionable tips to get your own startup to revenue-generating, and fast.
Read ItStartup eCommerce businesses are an excellent way for young and first-time entrepreneurs to start a business. They're low risk, low-cost and can grow really big, really fast. Here's the step by step guide to a startup eCommerce Business from day one.
Read ItStarting a niche blog is one of the easiest ways to start a simple business that can generate revenue with little effort. Here's a step by step guide for beginners on how to start a niche blog that gets to revenue fast.
Read ItThe path to validating a business idea is not as difficult as people think. The problem most people have is being to careful with their business idea. Inside you will find a step by step guide on how to validate a business idea.
Read ItOne of the most valuable things you can do for your personal and business success is building a professional network by connecting with valuable people. This is how you can do it from scratch.
Read ItWhat to do if you feel like your friends don't get you.
Read ItAn essay about how to rediscover the most unique - and best - version of who you are.
Read ItOur world is changing. Our problems are changing. It's time our education system did too. Here's my take on the reforms needed in education.
Read ItThese are 15 principles that you can live by in your 20's that will set you up for a successful, happy and fulfilled life going forward.
Read ItFour easy to apply lessons from making 100 sales calls a day for four months.
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